Hello there. What have you been up to? This week I sorta started a babysitting job. It is a 20 hour a week job and I love the little girl. So it does not feel like a job more fun. Terry has two days off this week so we are going to try and get the yard work done. Terry pulled a muscle in his back or something before I went to Minnesota and it is now getting back to what it was thank you yoga. So we have yet to get that done. Anyway. Oh and Jeanne is out of our house. It is a good thing I just hope that she makes it work on her sorta own. After eight or nine months it was about time.
I hope your job goes well. That sounds like fun! What a blessing for her to have someone watching her that truly cares for her.
Honey, I'm so proud of you. I get to see you with Zoe and you are doing such a great job! You always make work look like such fun. Love ya, Terry
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